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Norman Vahtra won the Tour of Estonia Tallinn-Tartu stage

Today, the first stage of the Tour of Estonia from Tallinn to Tartu was against a strong headwind. Norman Vahtra, the representative of the Estonian national team, won the stage on the rise of Lossi Street.

Tour of Estonia Tallinn-Tartu stage. Author: Andri Tallo.

At the beginning of the race, around the tenth kilometer, a group of four riders got away from the main group. The riders were Lukas Vernersson (Swedish national team), Dominykas Burka (Energus Cycling Team), Vladyslav Magokon (Finnish national team) and Estonian Martti Lenzius (Voltas-Tartu2024 BY CCN).


By the first intermediate finish in Järva-Jaani (83.1 km), the rider of the Finnish national team was left behind, and there were three other riders in the leading group.


In the second intermediate finish in Jõgeva and in the first mountain finish in Luua, the three cyclists were still in front of the race. However, changes took place before the Kukulinna mountain finish, where Dominykas Burka was left behind and Jonathan Ahlsson, the representative of the Swedish national team, joined the leaders.


After the Kukulinna mountain finish, Estonian Martti Lenzius was left behind too and two Swedes, Jonathan Ahlsson and Lukas Vernersson, were the only ones ahead. The gap with the peloton got smaller and smaller, and the men were caught before Tartu.


The race was decided on the rise of Lossi street, and Norman Vahtra, representative of the Estonian national team, had a small gap with the others on the hill. "Most of the time there was a headwind and it was not very difficult, we rode with low intensity.

Starting from Palamuse, the Polish team wanted to race more actively, but Uno-X did on its work," Vahtra explains the course of the race.


"We shared the leadership role with Karl-Patrick Lauk, and in Vudila's crucifix, I asked him if you would help me and he agreed. I could have been a little ahead before the hill of Lossi Street, but luckily I had good legs and I was able to pass the others," he explains. He is optimistic about tomorrow's race: "Tomorrow I would still like to bring home the overall victory".


Latvian Maris Bogdanovics (Latvian national team) finished second in the Tallinn-Tartu stage and third was Danish Mads Andersen (Airtox-Carl Ras), who lost to the Estonian by four seconds.
The top three were followed by the Estonians Oskar Nisu (Ferei Quick-Panda Podium) and two-time champion Karl Patrick Lauk, Rait Ärm, who finished seventh, was also in the top ten, Oskar Küüt took tenth place and Siim Kiskonen (both Voltas-Tartu 2024) finished behind him.


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