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CCC Sprandi Polkowice won the first stage of Tour of Estonia

190km long first stage of Tour of Estonia from Tallinn to Tartu was won by Grzegorz Stepniak of CCC Sprandi Polkowice. Estonian Mihkel Räim from Cycling Academy Team was second.

Foto: Tarmo Haud

„I came here to win and we were close,“ said second place Mihkel Räim. „I am proud of the boys who helped me today and worked like a real cycling team should. It was a predictable race actually. Fast and with few succesful breakaways,“ he added.

Because of slight backwind the avarage speed was very fast, close to 47 km/h.


Winner of Tour of Estonia will be decided tomorrow with the second and final stage. Riders will race on a 9,6km loop in the city of Tartu doing a total of 15 laps and 144km.

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